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Updated: Feb 20

pile of pie dough

In traditional cuisine, 3 types of base dough are used to make pies, they are: pâte brisée, pâte sablée and pâte sucrée.

The technique for shaping them all is the same: use cold butter and your fingertips to mix, without kneading the dough.


Pâte brisée does not contain sugar, making it ideal for savory recipes and when the filling is sweeter. The proportion of base ingredients is 200g flour, 200g cubed cold butter, 50g water and a pinch of salt. It is used in recipes such as:

  • Apple Pie

  • Quiche Lorraine

  • Rainbow Veggie Tarte

  • Empadinha - brazilian

  • Saskatoon Berry Pie

  • Aussie Meat Pie

  • Pecan Pie

  • Japanese Sweet Potato Pie

  • Tarte Tatin

  • Tarte aux Poires

  • Tarte de Légumes Rôtis

  • Tarte aux Tomates et au Chèvre

  • Tarte aux Oignons Caramélisés et au Gruyère

  • Tarte aux Asperges et au Parmesan

  • Tarte à la Crème Fraîche et aux Poireaux

pate brisee and flaky pie dough

There is a technique for making pie dough known as Flaky Dough. The proportion of butter and flour is the same as for brisée. The difference is that after the dough is shaped, more 50g of butter is added irregularly into the dough which creates the flaky texture when baked. These pieces of butter melt during baking, creating air pockets and distinct layers in the dough, which is what gives it the characteristic puff pastry texture. Flaky can be used in any of the recipes, just remember that it is fattier so opt for lighter, citrusy fillings.


pate sableeand pate sucree

Pâte sablée and pâte sucrée are sweetened doughs, with the latter having a greater amount of sugar in the dough.

Pâte sablée is used in recipes with fillings that are more balanced in sugar, such as dark chocolate and coffee. The proportion of ingredients is: 200g flour, 125g cold cubed butter, 125g sugar, a pinch of salt and an egg, or 50g of water.  It is used in recipes such as:

  • Lemon Bar

  • Carrés aux framboises et chocolat noir

  • Carrés crousti-moelleux aux myrtilles

  • Sablé Biscuit

  • Sablés Bretons

  • Sablés fourrés à la confiture

  • Cheesecake aux Amandes

  • Millionaire's Shortbread

  • Appeltaart

  • Tartelettes aux Fruits

  • Tarte au Café

  • Tarte au Chocolat

Pâte sucrée is more common in fillings with a touch of acidity, such as apple, lemon, passion fruit or strawberry pie.  The proportion of ingredients is: 200g flour, 125g cold cubed butter, 150g sugar, a pinch of salt and an egg, or 50g of water.  It is used in recipes such as:

  • Pumpkin Pie

  • Butter Tart

  • Butterscotch pie

  • Tarte aux Fraises et Crème Pâtissière

  • Tarte aux Fraises

  • Tarte au Citron Meringuée

  • Tarte au Citron Vert de Floride

  • Tarte aux Pêches

  • Tarte aux Pommes

  • Tarte à la Banane

  • Tarte à la Myrtille

  • Tarte aux Noix

  • Tarte aux Framboises

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